ON THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF OUR LOSS.. Capone came to us at 6 months old from a shelter in Nebraska. He was a part of our lives for 12 1/2 years. I hope to express in words what an amazing companion he was… He didn’t have a mean bone in his body; he LOVED people. When anyone came to the door, he would run around grabbing as many toys as he could fit in his mouth, and meet them at the top of the stairs. He had 2 all-time bests..3 stuffed toys in his mouth while pushing a ball with his nose, and 3 Kong balls all at once. He was as excited as a little kid when he got a new squeaky toy. He would set up and give you “high tens”. He loved uncooked spaghetti, bacon, and pie dough. He had a special bark when tattling on his buddy, Morton, who was always into something he wasn’t supposed to be. He learned to wait, leap, and pounce like a cat onto a toy when you would told him he could get it.
In his last year, his back legs started giving out, and eventually he lost the use of them. I probably hung onto him longer than I should have, because even then, he was still happy to play if YOU chased the toys. He still LOVED people visiting him. I just couldn’t imagine my life without him! His two favorite people, Jared and I were there with him at the end. Just before his last awake minute, he reached up, and licked my face profusely. I want to believe he was telling me he loved me, and that it was ok to let him go… Capone, my heart STILL aches for you. I can’t express how much I miss you. I love you, baby dog, and thank you for being a part of my life..